Beers London

1 Baldwin St, London EC1V 9NU, United Kingdom | +44 2075029078
  • Jonni Cheatwood, I Like Dwayne Johnson Movies, 2018, Oilstick, Acrylic and Mixed Media on Canvas , 183x152cm
  • Jonni Cheatwood, Don't Talk To Me In The Uber Pool, I Don't Know You, 2019, Oil on Canvas, 152x122cm
  • Jonni Cheatwood, Little Hairs Are Just First Responders, 2019, Oilstick, Acrylic, and Mixed Media on Canvas, 183x152cm
  • Jonni Cheatwood, You Don't Know But Thank You , 2019, Oilstick, Acrylic and Mixed Media on Canvas, 152x122cm
  • Jonni Cheatwood, Your Problamatic Bae, 2019, Oilstick, Acrylic and Mixed Media on Canvas, 152x122cm
  • Milo Matthieu, God, 2018, Paper, Oilstick and Acrylic on Panel, 91x122cm
  • Milo Matthieu, Paola, 2019, Paper, Oilstick and Acrylic on Panel , 76x102cm
  • Milo Matthieu, Lovers, 2018, Paper, Oilstick and Acrylic on Wooden Panel , 91x61cm
  • Milo Matthieu, Motherland, 2019, Paper, Oilstick and Acrylic on Wooden Panel , 91x61cm
  • Milo Matthieu, Vuuduu p.deux, 2018, Paper, Oilstick and Acrylic on Wooden Panel , 76x76cm
  • Gord Bond
  • Jonni Cheatwood
  • Andy Dixon
  • Kim Dorland
  • Emma Fineman
  • Marion Fink
  • Robert Fry
  • William LaChance
  • Adam Lee
  • Kathryn MacNaughton
  • Peter Matthews
  • Milo Matthieu
  • Andrew Salgado
  • Leonardo Ulian
  • Nadia Waheed